BIM ekspertizė

Jei nesate tikri dėl savo BIM modelio kokybės, siūlome išsamias ekspertines paslaugas, įskaitant susikirtimų nustatymą, kokybės patikrą pagal taisykles bei LOD ir LOI validaciją. Kruopščiai peržiūrime BIM valdymo dokumentaciją, įskaitant EIR ir BEP, siekdami užtikrinti atitiktį aukščiausiems standartams. Mūsų susikirtimų nustatymo paslaugos leidžia laiku aptikti ir pašalinti problemas, sumažinant brangiai kainuojančius taisymus ir vėlavimus. Užtikriname, kad visų disciplinų modeliai būtų suderinti, sumažinant projektavimo problemų riziką statybos metu. Išsamioje ekspertizės ataskaitoje pateikiama tiksli informacija apie modelio būklę, įskaitant LOD ir LOI validacijos rezultatus, kas pagerina modelio tikslumą ir užtikrina, kad jūsų projektas atitiktų visus techninius ir teisinius reikalavimus.

Pagrindiniai privalumai


  • Gatis Didrihsons
    The work was carried out in accordance with the contract requirements, professionally and on time. Informational support was provided throughout the service to help better understand the opportunities offered by BIM, the types of BIM data, the principles of the Common Data Environment, levels of detail, information requirements, the results of BIM quality checks and other aspects of BIM.
    Gatis Didrihsons
  • Rytis Mušauskas
    We recommend the company’s specialists as reliable and competent BIM consultants to companies, which are developing or are planning to develop projects with the help of BIM.
    Rytis Mušauskas
    INHUS Engineering
  • Lukas Laukaitis
    The consultants follow the latest technologies and trends, which provide new knowledge and ideas each time, using them in fields relevant to our company.
    Lukas Laukaitis
  • Kaspars Beitinš
    The company’s specialists carried out all the assigned works according to our needs in a high quality and reliable manner, while keeping with the set terms and obligations. The BIM executives are highly qualified and professionals in their field.
    Kaspars Beitinš
    Akropole Buve
  •  Donatas Vaitkus
    BIM manager helped understand the impact of BIM technologies on daily works, the set methodology allowed to anticipate further possibilities of using BIM models. In order to optimise the construction management processes, we also use the BIM model developed at the design stage to prepare a unified “As-built” model for the operation of the building during the construction phase.
    Donatas Vaitkus
  • Romanas Stoliarenko
    We are pleased to cooperate with professionals of our field, whose extensive experience in both design and construction process management has been particularly useful given the needs of our company and the processes underway.
    Romanas Stoliarenko
    Urban Inventors
  • Eivydas Lungys
    The prepared models were successfully coordinated throughout the whole process and a continuous communication between the participants of the projects was ensured. The digital model was developed during the construction phase, which made day-to-day decision-making particularly easy.
    Eivydas Lungys
    Eikos statyba
  • Darius Janulionis
    During the design stage, the spatial model of the building allowed a better understanding of the designed building, notice the areas, which did not fulfil our expectations and promptly carry out the necessary adjustments even before the start of the constructions works.
    Darius Janulionis
    RETAL Lithuania
  • Giedrius Kražauskas
    We are greatly satisfied with the cooperation with the company‘s specialists, their professionalism and constructiveness. BIM managers seek and find solutions the results of which are pleasing for both parties. The long-standing experience and knowledge has contributed to the successful implementation of the project.
    Giedrius Kražauskas
    Lithuanian Airports